Latest News:
2.2e Released 02/21/2004 |
Okay, not all of the bugs were vanquished in 2.2d, so here we go again.
SANS 2004 CDI West 02/12/2004 |
Late in January one of our members attended a SANS conference in San Diego, CA
where he gave a small presentation on packet crafting.
Release fest 2004 02/09/2004 |
We've had more bugfix releases than I could keep up with last week. Now with
2.2d released, it appears the majority of the major bugs have been vanquished.
"Ahead warp factor one, Mr. Leslie" - Captain Kirk "The Conscience Of The King"
read more... |
Latest Release: v2.2e - 02/20/2004 |
view roadmap... |
2.2e Released 02/21/2004 |
A few more bugs were found lurking around, so we squashed'em...
For a full list of changes, check out the CHANGELOG file.
Also, we have brought support back for MySQL 3.2.x, and have added RPMs for RedHat 9 in this release.
SANS 2004 CDI West 02/12/2004 |
Late in January one of our members attended a SANS conference in San Diego, CA
where he gave a small presentation on packet crafting. Here's the source code
that he used in constructing the small program for the presentation.
[ download ]
This is a small prelude to one of the new sections under construction for MIDAS...
MIDASpg... as in Packet Generation. You'll be able to use MIDASpg to generate
packets or sequences of packets to test responses
from your servers.
Release fest 2004 - MIDAS v2.2d released - 02/09/2004 |
We've had more bugfix releases than I could keep up with last week.
Now with 2.2d released, it appears the majority of the major bugs have been vanquished.
For a full list of changes, check out the CHANGELOG file.
RPMs are also available with this release. Currently we have RPMs for Mandrake, and SRPMs for everyone else.
We are working on expanding this to Red Hat (Comments???), and Fedora Core 1.
MIDAS v2.2a released - 01/26/2004 |
We didn't get everything we wanted to into this release, but we made some big improvements. This is the first release
that is incorporating an autoconf/automake script for easier installation from tarball. Also in this release, we will
be working on adding an RPM based install (Many thanks to Justin Albstmeijer for getting us started on this).
For a full list of changes, check out the CHANGELOG file.
Also, since we are now starting to get input, patches, etc from other users in our Forum, we will be adding a Thank You/
Contributors list on our Contact Info page.
MIDAS 2.2 in range - 01/09/2004 |
We've decided to go forward and release 2.2 quicker than anticipated because of all of the bug fixes, and application
enhancements/features currently in preparation for the 2.2 release.
With the release date moved forward, we had to push back the new interface security and IDS modifications to either a later 2.2
patch level, or possibily the 2.3 version.
We apologize for the changes, but the decision was made because some of the new enhancements were being coded when some of the
bugs were being fixed in CVS, ultimately causing us to be unable to release bugfix releases under the 2.2 version.
MIDAS 2.1a Released! - 12/03/2003 |
The official 2.1 branch of MIDAS has been released. Many changes have taken place in the last 2 months, so download
it and tell us what you think.
- No longer requires rrdtool to produce graphs. Moved to built in RRD functions and PHP produced graphs.
- Swapped makeKey() function with original function. Was not functioning on Solaris.
- Added AlertOnRed flag to Check def. Allows Red Alerts to always produce an event even if current status is red.
- Replaced Web interface. This has resolved several interface issues (Ie $[]$ tag issue).
- Resolved many issues with SNMP checks. Now works.
- Fixed type-o in for the tag.
- REGEX tag in SNMP checks are NO LONGER USED and is ignored if present.
- Sanity check added for Client queries. Now require a HID (present) before accepting queries.
- Sanity check added for Snort Alerts. Now requires IsSniffer to be toggeled on before accepting Snort Alerts.
- Fixed bug with updating MIDAS_Check_Current records. Would reset FirstCheck value to NULL on non transistion update.
- Fixed bug with MD5 check. Was not cleaning up the /tmp file if no DB update was required. Do a rm /tmp/MD5tmp.db.* to remove tmp files.
TCP Connection once again support 'Response required' connections. When MIDASc connects it will expect a response of somekind (Ie welcome
message). You can specify what to send on connection with the option tag. Must also have 'Connect Only' un checked in the check def.
If no response then the check is flagged red.
- Added error on IP/Hostname invalid for TCP/UDP checks.
- PING/ICMP checks now record the % of packet loss.
MIDAS RoadMap - 11/04/2003 |
We have create a roadmap to help in time frame estimations on major version releases. This will also help in
showing what features are new, updated, and/or removed in these releases. You can access this roadmap from the
link under the "Latest Release" section.