Monitoring, Intrusion Detection, Administration System
Latest News:

2.2e Released 02/21/2004
Okay, not all of the bugs were vanquished in 2.2d, so here we go again.
SANS 2004 CDI West 02/12/2004
Late in January one of our members attended a SANS conference in San Diego, CA where he gave a small presentation on packet crafting.
Release fest 2004 02/09/2004
We've had more bugfix releases than I could keep up with last week. Now with 2.2d released, it appears the majority of the major bugs have been vanquished.

"Ahead warp factor one, Mr. Leslie" - Captain Kirk "The Conscience Of The King"
Latest Release: v2.2e - 02/20/2004

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Primary Developers
Tom Cashmore : tcashmore at users dot sourceforge dot net
Rodney Caudle : rodney_caudle at users dot sourceforge dot net
Jason Sessler : jsessler at users dot sourceforge dot net
Want To help out with the project?
We are always looking for more people input in this project. Have suggestions? Want to write some code? Like to correct some spelling? If so then simply email one of the developers above. We are always open to a helping hand.
MIDAS Contributers (Many Thanks)
Thank you to everyone who have contributed to the MIDAS Project. Be it bug reporting, suggesting enhancements, supplying patches, you name it. If your name isn't on the list for some reason, our apologizes. Send us an email, and let us know.

This list is in no particular order:
    Coming Soon
© 2004 MIDAS - Monitoring Instrusion Detection and Administration System.