
Monitor Intrusion Detection and Administration System


NOTE: All compiled applications require GCC and stdlibs

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Installing MIDAS

NOTE: Please make sure you have the
Requirements needed for each service you plan to run.

Compiling the MIDAS Applications:

The compile procedure is pretty straight forward. Simply run the configure script located in the root dist path (ie /usr/src/MIDAS2/configure in our example).

NOTE: If you MySQL Lib path is not in a standard location, you may need to add the argument --with-mysql=<path/to/mysql/libs>. Also, if the host you are installing MIDAS on is to be the Web Interface server, add the argument --with-web=<path/to/web/folder> to copy the interface files to the path specified.

After doing the above you can either just do a 'make' or a make on a specific application (ie. 'make MIDASc' or 'make MIDASd' etc.). All should compile straight out of the box.

Installing the Applications

Simply do a 'make install' in the MIDAS source directory. It will then create the installation directory tree under /usr/local/MIDAS. It will then copy the executables under /usr/local/MIDAS/bin and copy the distribution config files into the /usr/local/MIDAS/etc directory.

MIDAScNT Installation

Download the MIDAScNT from here and run the EXE file. At the end of the installation, there will be a README explaining how to configure and use the MIDAScNT program.

RPM Based Installation

RPM Installation is pretty straight forward, but things to know:

1) The MIDAS-server RPM will install MIDASa, MIDASb and MIDASd. Also with this installation will be the SQL files needed for the MIDAS database creation/update.
2) The MIDAS-client RPM will install MIDASc, MIDASn and MIDASs.
3) The MIDAS-webview will install the WebView files and the SQL files needed for the MIDAS database creation/update.

NOTE: It is not a mistake on having the SQL files in two (2) different RPM installs. We wanted to make sure the two (2) installations that required the database had the SQL files. This just makes it easier if someone wants WebView and the database on one server and the MIDAS server Applications on another, or visa-versa.

Also the RPM installs are still pretty new to MIDAS, so if you have any problems installing them, please let us know, and we will work to get those problems corrected. Thanks you...

WebView Installation

We will assume that the apache IP address is on default port 80, and that you installed the WebView interface in the directory MIDAS off of your htdocs directory. You will need to change this to reflect your own setup.

To access the installation web interface use the URL : (See Figure 2.1)

WebView Install Page
Figure 2.1 - WebView Installer Screen

Site Configuration Sanity Checks: NOTE: If any of the sanity checks come back as an ERROR, you will have to fix the problem before continuing.

Site Configuration: NOTE:Please be advised that all of the data in this form will be sent to the webserver in cleartext (This includes any/all passwords).

Once you have filled in the form, click on 'INSTALL' and watch for FAILED Items (See Figures 2.2).

WebView Install Page
Figure 2.2 - Install Completed Successfully

Once this is complete you should be able to access the MIDAS web interface by using the URL on the Install Completed screen or by going to:

Accessing and Configuring the WebView interface can be found here.

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PLEASE NOTE: MySQL v3.x.x support was removed from v2.2a through 2.2d but is now supported again in version >= v2.2e

NOTE: Before starting the upgrade, you will want to backup your MIDAS application directories and MIDAS database.

Compiling the MIDAS Applications:

Please follow the steps located under
Installing MIDAS - Compiling the MIDAS Applications

Installing the Applications

Please follow the steps located under Installing MIDAS - Installing the Applications CONFIG.MAIN.SESSIONS and CONFIG.TMPEXTERN

Host Check Options (From 2.2e to 2.2f) Application configuration changes (From 2.2d to 2.2e) Application configuration changes (From 2.1a to 2.2a) Host Check Options (From 2.1a to 2.2a) WebView Installation

Please follow the steps located under Installing MIDAS - WebView Installation, but with the following changes: NOTE: If you are upgrading from a version < v2.2d you will want to have the install script rebuild the config/config.php file as well. This is needed to add support for HTTPS sessions.

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last modified: Fri Mar 09 11:50 PM CST 2004