
Monitor Intrusion Detection and Administration System

Part of the 'make install' process will place the distribution config files in to the MIDAS etc directory. These should be renamed/copied to end in .cf (Ie -> application has its own configuration file. These files use a pseudo-XML formating (See Pseudo XML for details on this format). The Config options will be specified in 'Dotted notation', ie using the following : The 'CMD' tag would be written as CONFIG.SNORT.CMD. Tag names are NOT case sensitive. Toggle values are specified as 1 or 0.

MIDASa (Alerting Service)

Option Description
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggles MIDASa to fork off into background when started.
CONFIG.LOOPTIME Delay between MIDASa checking for new Alerts.
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL This is the debug level. If specified it will debug into syslog.
This is a bit level flag. Specified:
  1 - Information
CONFIG.SQL.IP The IP address to the MySQL server.
CONFIG.SQL.USER This is the MySQL User name.
CONFIG.SQL.PASSWD This is the MySQL Password.
CONFIG.SQL.DB This is the MySQL DB name (Normally MIDAS2)
CONFIG.SQL.PORT This is the MySQL port number (Normally 3306)
CONFIG.EMAIL.SERVER The IP Address of the SMTP server to relay alert messages through.
CONFIG.EMAIL.SERVER.PORT The port to use when connecting to the SMTP server.
CONFIG.EMAIL.DOMAIN The Domain to be identified as during the SMTP session (HELO/EHLO)
CONFIG.EMAIL.FROM_ADDRESS The From: address to use when sending the alert email.
CONFIG.EMAIL.HTML Toggle send HTML email. If off Text email will be sent.
CONFIG.PAGER.SERVER The IP address of the SNPP server to send alert pages through.
CONFIG.PAGER.SERVER.PORT The port of the SNPP server.
CONFIG.TMPEXTERN Specifies the file/path for the temp file used in the external alert.

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MIDASb (Big Brother Service)

Option Description
CONFIG.PORT This is the port to listen on for Big Brother clients.
CONFIG.HID This is the Host ID of this server.
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL The Debug Level. Debug messages are sent to syslog.
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggle if MIDASb should fork off into the background when started.
CONFIG.MAXFORKS The Maximum number of Big Brother clients that are allowed to connect at once.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP The IP address of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.PORT The Port number of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.FAILOVER Toggle fail over. If fails to connect then attempt to connect to the next server specified.
CONFIG.ACCESSIP.IP Thi is the network IP address used to specify the IP range(s) that are allowed to connect.
CONFIG.ACCESSIP.IP.MASK This is the Mask used on the specified network IP address.
CONFIG.BBCHECK.NAME BigBrother service name to match.
NOTE: You may specify the IP and MASK multiple times to allow different IP blocks.

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MIDASc (Client Daemon)

Option Description
CONFIG.HID The Host HID for this client.
CONFIG.CMD.DISK The command to use for checking Drive usage (df).
CONFIG.CMD.PROC The command used to check process usage (ps).
CONFIG.CMD.LOG The command used to check logs (tail).
CONFIG.CMD.PING The command used for ping checks (ping).
CONFIG.CMD.RAM The command used to check RAM usage (free).
CONFIG.DBFILE.LOG The path and filename of the log check db file.
CONFIG.DBFILE.LOG.CACHESIZE The maximum number of log entries to store in the log db.
CONFIG.DBFILE.MD5 The path and filename of the MD5 check db file.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP The IP address of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.PORT The Port number of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.FAILOVER Toggle fail over. If fails to connect then attempt to connect to the next server specified
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL This is the debug level. If specified it will debug into syslog.
This is a bit level flag. Specified:
  1 - General Information
  2 - Errors
  4 - Check processing
  16 - Socket
  32 - MD5 check
  64 - Disk check
  128 - CPU load check
  256 - Log check
  512 - Process check
  1024 - External checks
  2048 - Network checks
  4096 - XML
  8192 - Forking
CONFIG.MAXFORKS The maximum number of processes to fork when performing checks
CONFIG.CHECKINTERVAL The delay in seconds between check cycles
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggle MIDASc to fork to the background when started.

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MIDASd (Server Daemon)

Option Description
CONFIG.PORT This is the port that MIDASd will listen on.
CONFIG.HID This is the Host ID of this host.
CONFIG.SQL.IP The IP address to the MySQL server.
CONFIG.SQL.USER This is the MySQL User name.
CONFIG.SQL.PASSWD This is the MySQL Password.
CONFIG.SQL.DB This is the MySQL DB name (Normally MIDAS2).
CONFIG.SQL.PORT This is the MySQL port number (Normally 3306).
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL This is the debug level. If specified it will debug into syslog.
This is a bit level flag. Sepcified:
  1 - General Information
  2 - Errors
  4 - SQL
  8 - Socket
  16 - Check Processing
  32 - Process Forking
  64 - XML Processing
CONFIG.MAXFORKS This is the maximum number of processes to fork off for incoming processes.
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggle on/off MIDASd from forking off into the background when started.
CONFIG.ACCESSIP.IP This is the network IP address used to specify the IP range(s) that are allowed to connect.
CONFIG.ACCESSIP.IP.MASK This is the Mask used on the specified network IP address.
CONFIG.MAINT.INTERVAL Maint Cycle interval time (in seconds).
CONFIG.MAINT.MAKEBLUE Minutes from last status update before a check is moved to BLUE status.
CONFIG.MAINT.CHECKEVENTS Expire check event records older then X days (0 to disable).
CONFIG.MAINT.IDSEVENTS Expire IDS event records older then X days (0 to disable).
CONFIG.MAINT.MACIP Expire MAC/IP records that are older then X hours (0 to disable).
NOTE: You may specify the IP and MASK multiple times to allow different IP blocks.

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MIDASn (Network Monitoring Service)

Option Description
CONFIG.HID The Host HID for this client.
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL This is the debug level. If specified it will debug into syslog.
This is a bit level flag. Sepcified:
  1 - General Information
  2 - Socket
  4 - XML Processing
  8 - Check Processing
  16 - Process Forking
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP The IP address of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.PORT The Port number of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.FAILOVER Toggle fail over. If fails to connect then attempt to connect to the next server specified
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggle MIDASn to fork to the background when started.
CONFIG.ETHDEV Configures which device MIDASn will watch.
CONFIG.USER Run MIDASn with this user (User is switched after NIC is configured).
CONFIG.PROMISC Toggles if MIDASn should attempt to set NIC to promiscuous mode on startup.
CONFIG.SENDINTERVAL # of seconds between sending stat updates.
CONFIG.MAIN.SESSIONS Specifies the expire time (in days) for Network sessions.
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MIDASs (IDS Service)

Option Description
CONFIG.HID The Host ID of this server.
CONFIG.SNORT.CMD The command line to use to start snort. Other then changing the path the command args should be left as default.
CONFIG.SNORT.DB The file and path to the Snort Packet DB file.
CONFIG.SNORT.DB.CACHESIZE The number of packets to cache in DB file.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP The IP address of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.PORT The Port number of the MIDASd server to connect to.
CONFIG.SERVERIP.IP.FAILOVER Toggle fail over. If fails to connect then attempt to connect to the next server specified.
CONFIG.DEBUGLEVEL This is the debug level. If specified it will debug into syslog.
This is a big level flag. Specified:
  1 - Information
  2 - Snort
  4 - Socket
  32 - XML
CONFIG.DAEMON Toggle MIDASs to fork to the background when started.
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WebView (Web Interface)

We will assume that the apache IP address is on default port 80, and that you installed the WebView interface in the directory MIDAS off of your htdocs directory. You will need to change this to reflect your own setup.

Login Screen

To access the WebView Login Screen goto:

Use the following username and password for accessing the WebView interface for the first time (See Figure 3.1): NOTE: Please make sure to change the admin's default password.

WebView Login Page
Figure 3.1 - WebView Login Screen

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Registering Modules

To register modules to use with the WebView Interface goto Modules->Add/Remove Modules (See Figure 3.2).

Add/Remove Modules Page
Figure 3.2 - Register/Unregister Modules

To register the modules, you first select the un-registered module (The select box is a multi-select box, so you can use the CTRL key to select more than one module at a time), and move it over to the registered box by using the Add/Remove Arrows between the two lists.

Once you have select the modules you wish to register, click on the "Update" button to commit the changes (This will require the interface to be refreshed before the new modules show up correctly. This can be done by going to Go->Refresh).

Also, you will see a button called "Get Info". This allows you to select module(s) and get information about them. Like the include file used by the module, a description of the module, etc.

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User Administration

Required Modules: To configure users goto either; Quickview->Configuration->Users, or Config->Users.

NOTE: MIDAS creates a default user: Please make sure you change this user's password.

User Administration Page
Figure 3.3 - User Administration - Adding a new user

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Adding Host Groups

Required Modules: To get to the Host Groups configuration screen, goto either; Quickview->Configuration->Host Groups, or Config->Host Groups. Click on the "Add a Group" link and let's get started.

First we need to give our group a name and a description (See Figure 3.4). Once you have entered in your name and description click on the "Save" button. (See Figure 3.5)

Adding a Host Group
Figure 3.4 - Adding a Host Group

Host Group View
Figure 3.5 - Viewing Host Group List

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Adding Hosts & Host Checks

Required Modules: To get to the Host configuration screen, goto either; Quickview->Configuration->Hosts, or Config->Hosts.

Add New Host
Figure 3.6 - Add Host Page

Now that we have our host created, let's add a Host Check to it (See Figure 3.7).

NOTE: By default, all of the Parent Check's Options are commented out, so if you use the default options, please remember to uncomment out the options and re-save the host check.

For more information on the XML format goto: Pseudo XML - Understanding Pseudo XML.
For more information on the options to use for the Check Options goto: WebView - Checks Options.

Add Host Check
Figure 3.7 - Add Host Check

In our example, we have added a PING check to our host, and will be using the default options of the parent check.

And Viola.... We have just created our first Host Check for MIDAS to monitor (NOTE: This check will not return anything until the MIDASd daemon, and the tester host's MIDASc daemon have been started).

Adding/Editing MIDAS Checks

Required Modules: To access the MIDAS Checks screen goto QuickView->Configuration->Checks, or Config->Checks. By default, MIDAS has a number of checks already created, but you might want to modify some of them to better suite your configuration (See Figure 3.8).

MIDAS Check List
Figure 3.8 - MIDAS Check List
Add/Modify Check
Figure 3.9 - Add/Modify Check

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MIDAS Check Options

Check options allow you to specific check specific options. It uses the Pseudo-XML format used through out MIDAS to specify these. We will use the 'Dotted notation' format when specifying Check option tag/values.

Check Option Description
CPU load CPU.MAX_LOAD The maximum load before an alert is generated.
Disk Usage DISK.PARTITION The Partition/Mount point/device to check
DISK.PERFREE Minimum % free.
DISK.PERUSED Maximum % used.
DISK.SPACEFREE Minimum Space free.
DISK.SPACEUSED Maximum Space used.
Log LOG.LOGFILE Filename and path of log file to check.
LOG.LOGIC Logic (EQUAL, NOTEQUAL, LESS, GREATER) to use when comparing results of REGEX to EXPECT.
LOG.REGEX The extended regular expression to use when checking log lines.
LOG.EXPECT What to Expect/Compare against.
LOG.NUMLINES Number of lines off the end of log file to check.
PROC.NAME Name of process (Only used with PRESENT/ABSENT).
PROC.LIMIT Max # of processes (Only used with COUNT/ZOMBIE).
RAM Usage RAM.RAMFREE Minimum amount of RAM free.
RAM.SWAPFREE Minimum amount of Swap free.
MD5 MD5.PATH File/Directory to check.
MD5.RECURSIVE Toggle if this check should recurse through sub directories.
PING PING.COUNT Number of packets to send.
SNMP SNMP.COMMUNITY The SNMP Community to use.
SNMP.OID The numeric SNMP OID to check.
SNMP.LOGIC Logic (EQUAL, NOTEQUAL, LESS, GREATER) to use when comparing the results.
SNMP.EXPECT What to Expect/Compare against.
SNMP.TYPE This value determines the type of RRD database that is created to store the retured values generated by this check. Valid options are: GUAGE, COUNTER, COUNTER32 and ABSOLUTE
SNMP.FORMAT used to specify how the result should be formated. Currently supports TIMETICKS and BYTES. TIMETICKS is used for Uptime style counters and BYTES is used for formating results into Byte strings (ie 12345 -> 12.30KB).
External Check EXTERNAL.COMMAND The filename and path to the application to run.
EXTERNAL.LOGIC Logic (EQUAL, NOTEQUAL, LESS, GREATER) to use when comparing the results of REGEX to EXPECT.
EXTERNAL.REGEX The extended regular expression to use when checking the output of the CMD.
EXTERNAL.EXPECT What to Expect/Compare against.
External Netsaint plug-in Check EXTERNAL.COMMAND The command line and arguments to the netsaint
TCP/UDP Port Checks SEND What to send to the port after connecting (Used only with required connection port checks).

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Adding an Alert Group/Contact

Required Modules: MIDAS by default creates an Alert Group called "Default". Now there are no Contacts in this group, but it is there as a starting point.

To add a new Alert Group, goto QuickView->Configuration->Alert Groups, or Config->Alert Groups.

Fill in the Alert Group's name, and description, and then click the "Save" button.

Once your group as been added, you can now go to the Alert Contacts Configuration and add the contacts that will be associated with your new Alert Group (QuickView->Configuration->Alert Contacts, or Config->Alert Contacts).

For more information on the XML format goto:
Pseudo XML - Understanding Pseudo XML

Adding an Alert Contact
Figure 3.10 - Adding an Alert Contact

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Configuring a Network Monitoring Host

Required Modules: To configure a new Network Monitoring Host, goto QuickView->Configuration->Network Monitoring, or Config->Network Monitoring.

Network Monitoring Screen
Figure 3.11 - Network Monitoring Options

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Configuring IDS Configuration and Rules

Required Modules: To configure a the Intrusion Detection configuration and rule sets, goto QuickView->Configuration->IDS, or Config->IDS.

If you toggled on the "IsSniffer" field on any of your hosts, hosts that are running MIDASs, in the
Hosts configuration screen, you will see them listed here. None of the default configuration and rule sets are copied over to any of the "IsSniffer" hosts, so first you must go into each host and "Restore Defaults".

Once the defaults have been loaded to the host(s), you can go and modify the config/rules as you see fit (See figures 3.12 and 3.13).

NOTE: Before modifing any of the IDS configuration and/or rule sets, check out the SNORT documentation.

NOTE: One of the main differences MIDAS does concerning the configuration and rule set files is that the MIDASs client will pull the information down from your MIDAS database and create one big file for the configuration and all of the rule sets. With this, MIDAS has commented out all of the "include" statements in the default SNORT configuration file.

Intrusion Detection Configuration Screen
Figure 3.12 - Intrusion Detection Configuration Screen

Intrusion Detection Rule Set Screen
Figure 3.13 - Intrusion Detection Rule Set Screen

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Pseudo XML

Notes on the formating of its 'Pseudo-XML':

The reason we call this 'Pseudo-XML' and not 'XML' is that we do not support the full range of features that XML offers. We do this because we do not need these features for what MIDAS is using them for. Therefore we do not feel adding this additional complexity is warranted. Here are the notes :
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last modified: Fri Mar 09 11:57 PM CST 2004